December STudents of the Month
Tilly has a positive attitude in everything she does. She works hard every day to excel in the classroom. Tilly is a role model for her peers consistently displaying kindness, respect, and determination to succeed.
- 6th Grader Tilly Thieke
Rolando is a great helper in the classroom not only for the teacher and paras but also for the other students. He is always holding doors for the students when coming in/out of school and always helping his peers with other tasks in the room as well
- 7th Grader Rolando Worthen
She is an incredibly hard-working student who always put in the effort in her work. She goes above and beyond to make sure that she understands the necessary things for her to succeed. She is a good lab partner who helps by making sure that others are involved and included.
- 8th Grader Evelyn Scheele
Grace continually shows leadership skills in and out of the classroom. She is engaged in content, motivated to learn, and is always willing to help her fellow classmates. Grace was on vacation in December and showed accountability in getting her work done and keeping up wit
- 9th Grader Grace Feser
Nora works extremely hard, showing pride in her work and taking ownership of her education.
- 10th Grader Nora Doerr
Jaylynn stands out in my class because of her willingness to participate in class conversations that might help her peers learn about another perspective. Jaylynn communicates in a very respectful and open manner.
- 11th Grader Jaylynn Miranda
Cooper has a great sense of humor, an outstanding smile, and he is a good listener in a classroom. Wonderful helper. He is friendly and has a good sense of humor.
- 12th Grader Cooper Johnston