October STudents of the Month

6th Grade Nidhi Bhakta

Brynn is consistently a hard worker,and dedicated to practicing the flute outside of class. She has a positive attitude in band, and shows consistent improvement in technique, while actively supports other musicians in the classroom.

- 6th Grader Brynn Fredrickson

7th Grade-Colin Stueber

Finley is a great student to have in class. She has great classroom participation, works well with others, and is always willing to work hard.

- 7th Grader Finley Hollnagel

8th Grade- Maura Krause

Bella is hard working in class, responsible, kind, goes above and beyond what is expected each and every day.

- 8th Grader Bella Bemmels

9th Grade- Emmett Nelson

Libby consistently is a hard worker dedicated to playing trombone. She has a positive & light-hearted attitude. In band, she shows continuous improvement in technique, demonstrating the will to be the best she can.

- 9th Grader Liberty Genelin

10th Grade- Jaylynn Miranda

Jack has taken on learning a new concept in band - playing with 4 mallets (all at the same time). He is consistently a hard worker and is dedicated to learning this technique. He has a positive attitude in band, and actively supports other musicians in the classroom.

- 10th Grader Jack Thelemann

11th Grade- Owen Lawrence

Thank you for being a positive role model for your classmates, Joe. We are proud to celebrate your achievements and character this month! Keep up the fantastic work!

- 11th Grader Joseph Lewis

12th Grade- Ben Sullivan

I am so impressed with how Jesus has really taken initiative in the Unified PE class. I thought it was just awesome how he had the idea to have the Unified PE class "TP" the commons celebrating homecoming. He is a great role model for what it means to be an inclusive leader.

- 12th Grader Jesus Carrillo Martinez